> Martin Polden

My approach to backups

In this post I describe my approach to backing up personal data. My backup process is something I've refined over many years, striving to keep it simple while ensuring my backups are complete and redundant.

The 3-2-1 backup strategy

I try to follow the 3-2-1 backup strategy for all my backups. The 3-2-1 strategy states that you should:

  • Keep 3 copies of your data
  • on 2 different media
  • with at least 1 copy being kept off-site

This strategy covers most of the likely restore scenarios you'll run into, and some less likely ones. The obvious one is simply restoring your working copy from backup. By keeping at least two additional copies it ensures that you can still restore if your main backup media has become corrupt.

Keeping one of the copies off-site ensures that you can still restore your data in the event of a full disaster - such as a lightning strike frying all your electronics or a fire breaking out in your home.

When implementing my backup strategy I have a few additional considerations to the above strategy:

  • All backup operations must happen automatically, i.e. I shouldn't spend any time on the backup process unless something breaks
  • Two out of three backup copies should be kept on media under my control, not in the cloud. However, the cloud is a good choice for the off-site backup
  • Backups must be encrypted
  • Backups must be tested and verified periodically
  • Backups must be pruned periodically
  • Backups must be stored in an open and documented format
  • I must be notified of any backup errors

In the 3-2-1 strategy I count the working copy of my data as one of those three copies.

Data overview

Before implementing a backup strategy, it's good to have an idea about what data you need to back up and where that data lives.

For example, I have three devices holding data I care about:

  • Laptop
  • File server
  • iPhone

My laptop holds the working copy of all my important data. This includes:

  • Code and configuration (in Git repositories)
  • Documents
  • Email, contacts and calendar
  • Photos
  • Data from cloud services I use

Since my laptop runs macOS, all my data is stored in a single location: $HOME. This makes it easy to backup everything, but I still add some exclude rules for cache directories and other cruft.

My file server holds both a working copy of some less important data and my primary backups. My phone holds a subset of the data on my laptop, such as documents, email and photos.


To implement my backup strategy I rely primarily on these programs:

I use restic to create backup snapshots periodically on my laptop and my file server. Both of these devices run restic backup of my home directory once a day, and store their data in a shared restic repository.

In the past I've used duply (a frontend for duplicity) to backup my file server, and Arq to backup my laptop. However, when redoing my setup I wanted to use a single program across all my devices.

My laptop backs up to the restic repository through SFTP, while my file server accesses the repository locally as the repository resides on its redundant ZFS filesystem. This results in having two copies of my data. One working copy and one backup copy in the restic repository. To ensure I also have a third copy, located off-site, my file server uses rclone sync to mirror the restic repository to Jottacloud nightly.

Because the home directory on both my laptop and file server is always backed up, any other data I need to backup up can simply be downloaded to my home directory. I do this periodically for data which is stored on remote services, such as my email.

All backup operations are automated with cron, which is installed by default on most UNIX-like systems. If an operation fails, cron sends me an email.

Backup overview:

laptop, server (working copy)
restic repository on server (local copy)
jottacloud (off-site copy)


Creating daily backups of two machines quickly adds up, so to prune backups I have wopr run restic forget --prune periodically. I tell restic to keep the past 30 daily and 24 weekly (6 months) snapshots. Since restic de-duplicates data that doesn't change between snapshots, this is relatively cheap in terms of space.

As both my laptop and file server share the same restic repository, the laptop doesn't need to run the pruning process itself, which can be expensive and thus not ideal to run on a laptop.

All data contained in the restic repository is verified by my file server once a month. This process is made easy by using restic check --read-data which verifies that the data contained in all backup snapshots can be restored and that its matches the stored checksums.

Data stored in cloud services

Some of my data is integrated into their respective service, such as my Spotify listening history or check-ins on Untappd. Luckily, since the introduction of GDPR, most services now support exporting data to an open format.

For most services I've written scripts to export the data, but where this isn't possible (e.g. Spotify or Netflix) I do a manual export once per quarter.

Running restic robustly on macOS

My laptop runs macOS, which includes cron. Adding entries to crontab works fine for the most part, but when the laptop is asleep it naturally won't execute anything. It will also not execute any crontab entries that was missed after it wakes up again.

This is problematic when using cron to run backups. After briefly looking into the mess that is Launchd, I ended up writing once.sh - a shell script that will run a given command at most once per a given time unit, e.g. once per day.

By running restic through once frequently enough, I can be sure that a backup is created if my laptop is awake for at least 15 minutes. The following crontab entry runs restic backup once every day, checking every 15 minutes in the hours 15-23:

*/15 15-23 * * * once d restic --quiet backup $HOME

iCloud and sharing files between devices

Even though I'm generally skeptical of storing personal data in a cloud service, I still use iCloud on my Apple devices. I don't use it for backup purposes, but I've found it's the most convenient solution for sharing my documents and photos across all my mobile devices.


In this post I've shown how I use restic and rclone to implement a 3-2-1 backup strategy for my data, in an automated fashion.

I've been running this setup for the past six months and it has worked exceptionally well, with the exception of my cloud storage provider losing data. In my initial testing of restic, the pruning process was very slow, but this was fixed in version 0.12. Beyond that, both rclone and restic have been rock solid!

Appendix: once.sh

A simple script for running a command at most once per the given time unit. For example once d ls will run ls once on the current day. Repeated executions of once d ls won't actually run ls again until the day changes.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Run a command successfully, at most once per given time unit. E.g. once daily
# or hourly.

set -euo pipefail

declare -r once_root="${ONCE_ROOT:-${HOME}/.once}"
declare -r once_cmd="${0##*/}"
declare -a once_locks

function fail {
    echo -e "$once_cmd: $*" 1>&2
    exit 1

function usage {
    echo -e "usage: $once_cmd Y|m|d|H|M|S COMMAND
       $once_cmd ls
       $once_cmd rm ID [ID]..."
    exit 1

function lock {
    trap 'rm -fd -- "${once_locks[@]}"' INT TERM EXIT
    local id
    local lock_dir
    for id in "$@"; do
        if ! mkdir "$lock_dir" 2> /dev/null; then
            fail "could not acquire lock: $lock_dir"

function list {
        echo -e "ID\tLAST\tCOMMAND"
        sort -k 2,2 -k 3,3 "$once_root"/*/state 2> /dev/null
    } | column -t -s $'\t'

function once {
    local -r fmt="$1"
    [[ "$fmt" =~ ^[YmdHMS]$ ]] || fail "invalid format: $fmt"

    local -r cmd="$*"
    local -r hash="$(echo -n "$cmd" | openssl md5 -r)"
    local -r id="${hash%% *}" # Split on space and return first value
    local -r state_root="$once_root/$id"
    local -r state_file="$state_root/state"
    mkdir -p "$state_root"

    lock "$id"
    local -r now="$(date "+${fmt}=%${fmt}")"
    local -r last_run="$(cut -f 2 "$state_file" 2> /dev/null)"
    if [[ "$last_run" != "$now" ]]; then
        echo -e "$id\t$now\t$cmd" > "$state_file"

function remove {
    lock "$@"
    local id
    local cmd_dir
    for id in "$@"; do
        rm -f -- "${cmd_dir}/state"
        rm -fd -- "${cmd_dir}/lock" "${cmd_dir}"

function main {
    local -r cmd="${1:-}"
    if [[ "$cmd" == "ls" ]]; then
    elif [[ $# -ge 2 ]]; then
        if [[ "$cmd" == "rm" ]]; then
            remove "$@"
            once "$@"

main "$@"